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これに対し、公益財団法人 日本尊厳死協会は、終末期を体験した人々の物語と結果を共有し、経験豊富な看護師たちのコメントを交えることで、個々の事例をつなぎ合わせて共通の洞察を提供しています。この「逝くために必要なこと」という取り組みは、終末期医療に関する選択と意思決定を支援するための良質な情報源を提供することを目指しています。





Discover the "Little Lighthouse Project"

Death visits us all. The manner and timing of our final moments vary greatly, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. As a result, preparing oneself, and even more so, one's family, for this inevitable event can be challenging. In today's world, where more and more people pass away in hospitals, the experience of facing the end of life, the choices to be made, the decisions to be taken—these aspects are often overlooked, and our exposure to such experiences has diminished significantly.


In response, the Japanese Dignified Death Association sheds light on the stories and outcomes of those who have experienced these final stages of life firsthand. With insightful commentary from experienced nurses in end-of-life care, we aim to create a cohesive narrative that connects personal experiences to a broader perspective. This initiative, "What Matters at the End," seeks to provide a high-quality information hub that offers insights into what is necessary for the journey ahead and assists in making informed decisions regarding end-of-life care.


The "Little Lighthouse Project" has emerged from this very sentiment, designed as an accessible platform for anyone. We invite you to explore this site, where you can find valuable insights and stories that help illuminate the path ahead, especially in the article "Stories from the Bedside."

Visit the "Little Lighthouse Project" and gain valuable perspectives on the choices and considerations in end-of-life care.


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© 2015 by Minnano Mitori.

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